
Flynn: Son of Crimson | Fast paced 2D action platformer

Created by Studio Thunderhorse

Using the ancient gift of Crimson, take on the role of Flynn to halt the Scourge on the land. A beautifully crafted pixel adventure.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Some Dex puppy gameplay!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 02:48:49 AM

Hello Crimson children! While we are working hard on that 2020 release date, here are some juicy GIFs for you all showing off some gameplay with your favorite puppy companion, Dex!

She's helpful... sometimes.

We previously spoke about the history of Dex and her role within the world of Flynn: SoC (update #21, check it out!), but let's dive a little deeper on just what she can do!

Spawning & Attacking, whoa!

Dex is much more than the guardian of Cardinal Island, she's also your partner in many situations! When available to be called in from a guardian statue shown above, Flynn takes control as they become the ultimate team! Please just don't yoshi her off a cliff. :(

Don't worry, she gets to rest inbetween adventures

Rest assured, we still have quite a lot that we are keeping secret for launch, but we love Dex too much not to share her abilities (plush when??)! See you all in the next one soon!

Also yes, you can pet ;)

Flynn: Son of Crimson publisher!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 11:52:32 PM

Hey all Flynn fans, we have big news we can finally reveal today!

We're very happy to announce that we've partnered with Humble as Flynn's publisher! We've been working together for quite a while now, with them helping take a large load off of our shoulders so we can whip Flynn into shape and focus on making the best game possible for all of you!

See you all in the next update soon!

Puzzles, NPCs, and info on delays
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 01:45:53 AM

Hello friends, your favorite horses back with another Flynn update. What better way to start than with some GIFs!

Puzzley bits

We've been having some fun with small puzzles recently, creating a nice balance between platforming/puzzles and combat. Flynn does more than just slice clublins all day!

fun with barrels
fun with barrels
rolly bombs
rolly bombs
Flynn... that was just rude
Flynn... that was just rude

Kickstarter NPCs

To all who backed the NPC tier, your NPC is currently being animated by Hunter! Quick example below of a few of our own Rosantican natives. If you've not heard from us about yours, feel free to send us a message for a little progress update! 

many talkative friends
many talkative friends

Regarding the release

For many of you who are waiting for the release (assuming all of you!), firstly we’d like to apologize for the missed deadline (February 2019) that we set when we started this Kickstarter. The date we set was a very rough date to begin with since we estimated approximately 18 months development time post-Kickstarter. How these things go are generally very back and forth since we want to deliver the best quality game to our ability yet get it into your hands as soon as we possibly can, and that’s a pretty tough balancing act when it comes to a game of our original scope!  

The game itself has undergone many different additions, removals, major tweaks and refactors to a lot of features all for better quality purposes. We’re even taking out unneeded features that only extended the games development time by a lot and added very little. This means we don’t have a product ready for you to play currently and the bad news is that unfortunately Flynn will most likely not be ready for this year (sorry!!). To put it short; game development is a hard beast to tame and since we’re really trying to bring the highest quality game we can to you, it’ll take time.

We plan to have around 10 or so different environments each with their own sub-areas and we can say with confidence that the environment art for these areas will be completed within the next couple of months. Enemies are around 80% complete (AI and animation). 3 main bosses are on their way to be finished. General level mechanics are pretty much all sorted, we just have a handful of stage specific things to iron out. The main bulk of the game left to do is stage design, which we believe is one of the most important aspects to any game so we appreciate your patience on this since every object and enemy is being placed with the utmost care to give you the smoothest, challenging and fair experience we can. 

Again, we’re sorry for the bad news regarding release date and general fogginess to this in the last few months, but believe us we haven’t stopped working on the game since we started - and that’s not because we’re forced, it’s because we love it and are highly driven by all of your support and feedback. Flynn is our baby and releasing it into the world unfinished/rushed would hurt our souls and even more regretfully, yours too. 

As always, we try to be very active on our Twitter. We want to be as open as we possibly can with these details, so feel free to send us any questions you might have there as well!

More Flynn candy for your eyeballs
about 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 03:02:52 AM

Hello all! It’s your favorite sparkly horses back again for another quick mini update on Flynn!

Continuing from our last update about the release, we don't have the juicy details to share yet. What we can share is that Flynn's story is complete, and the game's overall design is completely laid out and being pieced together. Things are definitely going very well in Flynn world!

Now for some fun gifs of what we've been working on, new (rough) enemies and attacks as always for your eyes!

Clublins don't stand a chance against Flynn's power attacks!
Clublins don't stand a chance against Flynn's power attacks!
Battling a new (WIP) spooky scary in the outer Shivering Spire area.
Battling a new (WIP) spooky scary in the outer Shivering Spire area.
Slight modifications to attacks and a new enemy in the Hollow!
Slight modifications to attacks and a new enemy in the Hollow!

If you need your weekly dose of Flynn, check out our Twitter, we post GIFs regularly! - @ThunderhorseCO 

As well, please wishlist Flynn on Steam if you haven't, it helps us out!

A small release update + some pretty pixels
about 5 years ago – Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 01:37:08 AM

So we've reached the February 2019 rough estimate we set over a year ago when our campaign first launched. For those asking for an update on that, we of course won't be hitting our estimate but we can assure you that progress lately has been great! We can't show you very much with what we're doing at the moment (spoilers duh), but just know that we’ve been very happy with the progress, even if it has been silent. You will all be the first to hear when we have a release date, but there just isn’t anything we can promise right now, we hope you all understand!

As a wise man once said, a delayed game will be real good but a rushed game sux real bad. Or something like that.

To keep your eyes entertained, here are some things we've been working on that we can show!

A new canyon environment to connect to the gardens of Rustwood.
A new canyon environment to connect to the gardens of Rustwood.

Sneaky little look at some additions to the sword we've been working on
Sneaky little look at some additions to the sword we've been working on

The Shivering Spire's Grand Archives
The Shivering Spire's Grand Archives

That's all from us for now, we'll see you in the next update soon! 

If you need your weekly dose of Flynn, check out our Twitter, we post GIFs regularly! - @ThunderhorseCO